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Archive for the screen repair Category

Mobile Screen Repair Service

Mobile Screen Repair Service

Screen repair man is your local Screen door repair specialist!  Our pet-proof screen mesh is great for kids and pets! Did you know that you can actually hire someone for screen door repair or window screen repair in Burlington, Oakville, Hamilton, Ancaster, Milton, Mississauga, Stoney Creek areas …

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Sunroom Rescreening and Repair

Sunroom Rescreening and Repair

Sunroom rescreening allows you to use your screened in sun room bug-free just like it used to be! Over time the screen mesh used for your sunroom becomes brittle and weak due to the sun’s rays and weather beating down on the fiberglass mesh.

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Pet Screen Doors

Pet Screen Doors

Pet screen doors are the perfect solution to allow your dog or cat to freely pass in and out of your screen door! No longer will they be calling on you to let them out, only to want back in 2 seconds later.

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Window Repair Save Money by Repairing not Replacing your Windows

Window Repair Save Money by Repairing not Replacing your Windows

Window Repair Don’t Replace Broken windows around your home can lead to numerous problems, leading to window repair being required or worst case, replacement windows. You are wasting unnecessary  energy just to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. You may have an unusable window thats hard …

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Window Repair and Crank Replacement Burlington, Oakville & Hamilton

Window Repair and Crank Replacement Burlington, Oakville & Hamilton

Window repair service make far more sense than replacing your whole window! So many customers say they were told to replace their broken window when all they needed was for us to replace their window crank

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Replacement Screen Doors

Replacement Screen Doors

If your patio door needs replacing due to damage, wear and tear or its gone missing we can help. Our custom screen door service is just for you.

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Window Screen Repair

Window Screen Repair

Window screen repair service, keep the bugs out with our mobile service that comes to you. If your screen is torn or frame is bent we can fix it

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Screen Door Repair Mobile Service

Screen Door Repair Mobile Service

Does your patio door screen need repair? Our mobile screen repair service does it for you. Using premium screen mesh and spline we’ll have your screen door like new again. Pet proof screen is also available

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Factors to Consider When Buying a Retractable Screen Door

Factors to Consider When Buying a Retractable Screen Door

Factors to Consider When Buying a Retractable Screen Door Retractable screen doors are convenient, and at times essential, protection for a home against mosquitoes and other disease-carrying insects. It also allows the wind and a cool breeze to enter your home or porch-area, improving ventilation. In order …

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